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Did your surgeon leave something behind?

On Behalf of | Aug 19, 2024 | Surgical Error

Surgeons unintentionally leave foreign items within patients during surgical procedures on occasion. Often, it’s not discovered until the patient experiences discomfort or becomes ill. Although medical errors happen occasionally, the repercussions of discovering that a foreign object has been left inside a patient can be catastrophic.

The surgeon is often blamed, but the truth is that the whole medical team may be liable when foreign objects are left behind in a patient following surgery. For example: before every procedure, a scrub nurse counts the instruments. They’re also counted at the end. However, it’s easy to miscount, especially during emergency surgery when things are chaotic in the operating room.

What kind of items are usually left behind?

Surgical sponges that get soaked with blood are the most commonly left-behind items. Some other objects that may be left behind include:

  • Scalpels
  • Gauze
  • Towels
  • Scissors
  • Needles
  • Drill bits
  • Clamps

Medical sponges and gauze have the potential to harbor pathogens, leading to severe and rapidly spreading infections that may result in life-threatening conditions or fatalities. Other objects, such as towels, may adhere to the organs or a muscle may be lacerated by sharp surgical instruments.

Signs that a surgical object may have been left inside your body

When a foreign object is left in your body following surgery, you may experience a variety of issues, such as:

  • Severe, recurrent pain that may spread internally
  • internal hemorrhage
  • Abscess or infection inside the body
  • The area surrounding the incision may feel hot, puffed up or rigid 
  • You may start spitting up blood, feeling queasy or vomiting

If you or a loved one experiences persistent pain, sensations of a foreign object inside, or an infection diagnosis following surgery, it could be due to the presence of a foreign object. If tests reveal that this is the case, seek assistance from someone who can help you determine if you should file a medical malpractice lawsuit.