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Is the car’s back seat becoming a more dangerous place to ride?

On Behalf of | Jul 22, 2024 | Motor Vehicle Accidents

It used to be a given that riding in the back seat of a car was safer than riding in the front. Many accidents are head-on collisions, so being in the back seat means the passenger is farthest away from the point of impact. On top of that, having a padded seat in front of the passenger can protect them more than having a dashboard or a steering wheel.

In recent years, however, researchers have declared that the backseat is no longer automatically the safest. It may be in some cases, but not all. In many modern vehicles, people are actually safer if they’re driving the car or riding in the front. Does this mean that the back seat is becoming a risky place to ride? Why would it get more dangerous over time?

Safety improvements

The back seat is just as safe as it was before. What has changed is that safety improvements have been generally focused on the front seat.

For example, before seat belts and airbags, people faced far greater risks of hitting their head on the steering wheel or the dashboard. But both of these inventions have made it far safer to ride in the front.

These are just two examples, but safety features often focus on people who will be in the front of the vehicle. A big part of the reason for this is that many drivers spend most of their time in the car alone. It’s just one person commuting to work and back. Therefore, designers knew the front seat was where improvements could do the most good.

That being said, people get injured in car accidents, no matter where they’re sitting or how many safety features the car has. If you suffer injuries, be sure you know how to seek financial compensation for medical bills and more.