Many people in California are receiving cancer diagnoses at an earlier age. Yet, even when presented with symptoms, some don’t always get the correct diagnosis and remain in denial that their lives may be in danger. Do medical professionals remain responsible if they misdiagnose a patient who wants to stay in denial?
Can patients unwittingly conspire in a misdiagnosis?
When facing a severe illness, some patients may want reassurance that their symptoms only mimic those of a life-threatening condition. If patients are young and with clean medical histories, could their attitudes lead to a cancer misdiagnosis?
If your doctor tells you “there is nothing to worry about,” you desperately want to believe them. Those who trust their physicians will follow their advice and try lifestyle changes to see if their symptoms ease. However, diagnosis delays can worsen cancer and become life-threatening as the disease progresses. Psycho-oncology is a well-known practice between doctors and patients when the disease has already been diagnosed. Yet, some professionals believe that emotional, social and behavioral factors shape getting to the proper diagnosis as soon as possible.
Cancer can completely change your life
The purpose of routine screenings is to catch cancer in its early stages so the subsequent treatment isn’t so radical and easier on the body and mind. The longer the disease is left untreated, the more chance it has to spread and the greater the possibility that it will recur or metastasize to other body areas.
Patients with more advanced cancer are often incapacitated for more extended amounts of time or even permanently if the disease is terminal. If you feel your doctor misdiagnosed you, leading to an advanced form of cancer, you may be able to file a legal claim seeking compensation for your suffering.